Saturday, July 17, 2010


A) It's there, but you cannot see it, entombed UNDER Jamestown Road!*****FLASH!! Va. Gazette essay describing this unique W&M "art museum" was published (August 11, 2010)!! 

B) My research on this fabulous ART MUSEUM now hidden underground the Campus of William & Mary and Jamestown Road is NOW being shared by everyone, publicly, in America's oldest newspaper!  And is dedicated to and for all of those unknown "graffiti artists" who, over the years, contributed to every inch of the subterranean, unique, one-of-a-kind, underground passageway tunnel under one of our most traveled streets! YES!...I dare say that very few of you have ever or even now know about this "graffiti ART MUSEUM."
It's nearly 50' in length...8'-2" by 8'-2" by 8'-2", with every square inch of the two walls covered with many COLORFUL drawings and even a message or nine for students for posterity.
This researcher would be 'cited to listen to handsful of W&M students from the '60s into the '70s who experienced this underground passageway( Also, send an e-mail, mailing address, and will send you a "hard copy" of VG essay!
B) "Please respect our art!" This plea, on the pedestrian tunnel wall in a vivid BLUE, from 15 to 20 years ago, is still there down in my FAVE "graffiti ART MUSEUM!" Just wait until you read and see the research on this tunnel story and graffiti artwork that has been saved on film for that all-important posterity...history!
C) The underground walkway was built and opened without fanfare during the 1960 fall term, and is under Jamestown Road. The walkway allowed student foot traffic from the Historic Campus (near Wren Bldg.) over to the then new Campus Center.
Problems quickly developed with seepage of water through the walls of the pedestrian tunnel. Water would settle inside on the floor, even with a floor grate originally built to take away any water that accumulated. Also, the two entrances were built in such a way as to unknowingly channel rainwater down the 24 steps and curve into each tunnel entrance!
D) The walkway was finally closed in the '70s! I have searched in the local newspaper archives and in the Flat Hat (original W&M newspaper) looking for ANY articles on the tunnel...and found only a few mentions. Nothing, so far, on that exact closing date! Was told recently, by someone coming to town in 1973, with it open then, that they remember going thru the underground passageway as late as 1978(?)...will continue searching!
E) The "art museum", uncovered below in the undergroud walkway when the gate barriers were removed last year 2010), is under the very busy Jamestown Road. And this "grafitti art", covering every inch of the nearly 50' of walls on both sides of the tunnel, is what this summer alum and local historian considers THE local art treasure for our historic town!
F) Of my now 180+ V.G. essays composed and published over the years in America's first newspaper, THIS one is absolutely my fave, with colorful pics! This historian is fascinated with what is "down below" and right smackdab in the middle of the heavily traveled main street up above it!
G) Problem, though, with tiny tears, it HAS BEEN CLOSE off for good, squeezed for tunnel space with large water pipes connecting the across-the-street Campus Center area with the Historic Campus around Wren and the Sunken Garden area.  AND COVERED OVER, FOREVER, ENTOMBED!!  All of those grand graffiti student artworks ARE forever sealed, but NOT painted over on the walls, but portals sealed, filled with huge pipes using the passageway to traverse from one side of the old campus to the "old Campus"!
H) To be honest, the "OLD Campus" needed serious heating and water updating and for the "common good of the entire Campus." I admit that.
I) The entrance down to the tunnel portals on the Campus Center is now gone, covered over with a "roof" last (2010) summer. However, my fave "Graffiti Tunnel Art Museum" students' art remains SEALED, for good...FOREVER. This historian is making sure that this small historic segment of W&M's and Williamsburg's histories will live on with this photo essay and composition.  Also, my collection of photos just on this Jamestown Road pedestrian tunnel "art museum" numbers more far than shown in the VG essay.  Soon, will post a bunch up on a special website.  As usual, like all of my many other PHOTO essays and researches on the W&M Campus, early historic town of Williamsburg and my native Virginia, will be a contribution to...local history and anyone who likes and honestly appreciates REAL HIStory!!

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