Friday, September 3, 2010


A) Y-E-S! It's time to, officially and fairly, figure out a method of having thousands of former and current Alum to choose names for ALL of our Campus trails! Talk it up, please....
B) And THIS school year, before next Spring Break...please!!!!
C) The only one I am familiar with, officially, is 'Matoaka Trail' behind the Rec Center, along Lake Matoaka, to Ukrop Way. Along that trail the name of 'Matoaka Trail' appears on a sign.

D) Just read on a local newspaper line that someone said, in reply to my need for having our W&M trails named, that "we" don't need to name the now 11+ miles of W&M trails....WRONG!!! That person, I believe, has NEVER been on ALL 11+ miles of trails, only a short distance for any one, and does not undersand one iota how unique they all are. That "argument", therefore, is tossed immediately.
E) Point: let's call a family's offspring simply "children", with NO individuality. "Children, let's take a walk...." Better yet, Sarah, Justin and Ron...let's take a walk."


A) The most obvious trouble spot is directly behind the Arts Studio Bldg. by Lake Matoaka. The trail there has vanished on the steep slope and dangerous! Much of that Matoaka Trail that begins directly behind our Rec Center and meanders behind some dorms to Ukrop Way has problems and for years. Also, much of it could use, gingerly, a sprinkling of fine cinders to protect the multitude of roots of all sizes...that's all. PLEASE don't ruin it by tearing up and out the roots that have been left to natrurally grow for many years!
B) The longest main trail, from Compton over to Monticello, needs much help (EROSION) closer to Jamestown Road...wait until you see it! you climb up, or down that part of the trail, the erosion from earlier bikes and especially motorcycles has revealed fosils shells dating back to when the Tidewater region, up to the Blue Ridges, was under the sea! Observe closely.
C) The shorter trail, over to the back of the Amphitheatre on Lake Matoaka at 'Squirrel Point', is in relatively decent shape.
D) The 'north trails'....did you know about the scattering of trails in the Campus Woods ACROSS Monticello? The Military Science classes utilize them, and you didn't know about them 'cause there doesn't appear to be any pronounced ingress or egress entrances! On my list of near ADVENTURES is to park in New Town and cross the Ironbound intersetion to the edge of the Woods and do some explorin'!
E) The NEW Compton trail to the new Ed. bldg....will take hundreds of years to wear it down!
F) NAME THOSE 11+ miles of our W&M Campus trails!!!!...please. "WE" need an official organized group to set up the procedure, SOON!...thanks.

14- HEY, HAPPY "COLLEGE COLORS DAY"!...September 3rd....

OK, did you 'member today and are you gonna PROUDLY wear those colors?...this guy will have to wear five different sets of COLORS!